Trellis Community Vegetable Gardening Forum

Sharing our knowledge of vegetable gardening in the Snoqualmie Valley area

Hello everyone,

During our meeting this morning we had questions about crop rotations.

"Leaf to Root to Flower to Shoot" is a handy little "poem" to help you remember the best crop rotation order for your kitchen beds. 

The following is taken from The Maritime Northwest Garden guide - produced by Seattle Tilth.

The part of the plant you harvest and consume will fit into one of these four categories....

Leaf (leaf crops - which must be well manured and fertilized. Most leaf crops require large amounts of nitrogen to put on good growth and benefit from a rich, well-prepared bed).

Root (after you harvest your leafy crop, plant root crops that require less nitrogen and more potassium and trace minerals.  No inputs of organic fertilizer are needed, but compost could be added.

Flowers come next... to provide nectar for beneficial insects.  Annuals are frequently light feeders and require no addition of compost or organic fertilizer.  You can sow buckwheat, phacelia or marigolds as a cover crop to bloom and then be turned under if you don't want cut flowers.  Legume cover crops can be grown as part of the flower rotation and can then be turned under to prepare the soil for tender summer fruit crops.

Fruits are the final rotation.  Tomatoes, peppers and corn fit this category.  Both summer and winter fruits can be grown, or you can try small grains and pulses without any additional inputs because their nutrient needs are low.  Fava beans and peas are good examples.

You then return to leafy crops and start the cycle all over again.

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When: No meeting in December! Regular meetings on the 3rd Saturday of each month, 10am - 11:30am. 

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