Trellis Community Vegetable Gardening Forum

Sharing our knowledge of vegetable gardening in the Snoqualmie Valley area

Continue supporting our bees and other pollinators.

Consider also what this seems to mean for gardening and farming in Europe and America over the last several hundred years.  As people increasingly moved away from small farming toward city life, were there fewer and fewer gardeners spread diversely across the countryside, with more and more of the gardening activity concentrated with the people in more and more urbanized areas?

However, PREVIOUS to those several hundred years, what was the picture?  Were there MORE pollinators spread all over Europe and America, because there were gardeners everywhere?  Were there fewer pollinators, spread more broadly but also more thinly?  How many pollinators were transported between regions and even between continents along with the plants people carried with them in many migrations?

What about the time before humans?  Were there more pollinators before there were gardens?  What sort of pollinator populations were supported by wildflowers and other natural plants?

These and other questions seem worth pursuing to help preserve pollinators.

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